The Signature Style Project – Signature Women

I have to confess..this may end up being my favorite post of the Signature Style series.  I SO admire the style of the women who have come before me!

I believe signature style falls into two categories.  The first category encompasses a signature “look”.  A little black dress, a trademark accessory, a specific color, a unique hairstyle.  The second category includes women who don’t have a specific trademark item, but who have an overall feel to their wardrobe.  Bombshell, boho, flirty, quirky, retro.

I’ll show you what I mean..

These women embody a signature “look” for me:


AUDREY HEPBURN – Pixie bangs, heavy brows, cigarette pants and winged eyeliner


JACKIE KENNEDY – Hair flip, Pillbox hat, Tailored suits and gloves


GOLDIE HAWN – ..those bangs 😉

..and the following evoke a certain style “feeling” that is unique to them:




STEVIE NICKS – Boho Romantic


TWIGGY – Ethereal, Whimsical

If you have an affinity for the style of one of the women listed above (or another style icon), take the time to examine what it is about their style that appeals to you so you can make it your own!

What category do you fall into?  Are you a signature “look” gal, or are you more of a signature “feel” kinda girl?

Hugs and Smooches,

The Signature Style Project Begins!

Marylin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Jackie Kennedy, Bridgit Bardot..all these women have something in common.  They all have a signature style.  A look, an image, something that is distinctly them. 


As I discussed in a previous post, while I love to dabble in many decades of vintage clothing, I want to take the time this year to create a more cohesive look that is all my own, so I’m starting the Signature Style Project.  Below is an outline of what I have planned.  I hope you will follow along in discovering what makes you unique and share your own signature styles with me!


The project will have two phases.  Phase one will be the Discovery phase.  It will include posts on:

  • Information Gathering – Using pinboards and journals to discover a theme in your style preferences.
  • Signature Women – Women who have distinct signature styles and how to apply their techniques to your own style.
  • Incorporating your passions – Listing the things you love and how they influence your style.
  • Lets go on a Shopping Safari! – Snapping pictures of items and outfit ideas you love


Phase two of the project will be Implementation.  It will include posts on:

  • The closet clean out – Deciding what items in your closet fit your signature style, what has to go and what needs to be added.
  • Accessorize – Working signature accessories into your wardrobe
  • Try it on for size – A week of signature style
  • Review – Tweaking your signature style and allowing it to evolve with you.

I have also created a board on Pinterest for the project, where I am also collecting ideas for the 30 day Hair and Makeup challenge (start date TBA).  You can follow along here.

Let me know if you’d like to see anything else added to the project.  I can’t wait to get started!

Hugs and Smooches,